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Friday, December 19, 2008

Don't Laugh At Me Please !Please

Well well well,I've not updated my blog for the past few days.Those who've followed me consistently might be wondering 'WHAT THE HELL" happened to this guy?Well,I was just resting and having a break due to the hectic 14 days that I've worked to reach my $1000 in 14 days goal.Ok.Let me cut the crap and reveal you my earning stats.You might laugh at me for being silly and NOT having my own domain for this blog or having a childish and unrealistic goal.Anyway,I accept all criticism and feedback from all of you.Here's my earning stats;

CLICKBANK & PAYPAL:$0.00($0.00 increase)


That's all I've earned.Out of $1000 that I targeted to earn in 14 days,I managed to earn $24.74 (less $975.26).Well,all I can say that I'm embarrassed to reveal it.I joined WARRIORFORUM and participated in the discussion.I shared my skills and ideas,but I guess I'm the only guy who's EARNING the lowest income compared to other members.There are a lot of Internet Marketing superstars out there in WARRIORFORUM who have watched my threads and my 'big,BS advice'.Maybe they'll think that this guy is indeed is earning big.But if they saw this blog of mine,I'm sure they'll laugh at me.I'm terribly embarrassed with my behaviour.Am I going to be a laughing stock?What will my friends say when they saw my end results for the 14 days target?I've even created publicity and spread the news around all over the NET.How am I going to show my face to the world?What's going to happen to my goal?Oh..I'm confused now.
What are the main reason that contributed to my failure?Is it my overconfidence?
For those who're reading this post,please don't laugh at me.Please...

Ok,this is what I'm going to do.I'm gona keep my mouth shut.Stop playing fool around.And stay quiet until I've proved that I'm earning a decent income just like other Internet Marketers.I'll reveal to you my next plan in my next post.